- 時間︰ 分2天進行,每次3小時
- 費用︰只須HK$1200
- 語言︰廣東話,輔以部分英文教材
- 模式︰全程在Zoom平台進行
- 特色︰大量互動,小班教學,至少5位參加者則可以開班
- 証書︰完成課程及相關練習後獲頒Certificate of Completion
你可以經以下表格預先報讀 (現階段無需付款),當課程推出後我們會儘快通知你
- 第一步︰填寫姓名﹑電話及電郵地址。
- 第二步︰收取和工作坊相關的詳細資料,包括下期開課日期和時間。
- 第三步︰確認報名,並於最遲開課日期前一星期網上繳費。成功報讀課程後,將會收到確認電郵。一般情況下恕不設退款,唯若未能開班會全數退款。
- 第四步︰開課日期前一星期內會收到Zoom link。
Immediate practices, practical and relevant examples provided, clear and neat ppt design, and easy to understand☺️
In this workshop, we can learn from different case study which let us applied dream analysis skills and techniques that what I like most. Tiffany also gives us chances to interact and discuss with classmates and we can learn from each other. And, I have a lot of fun in this workshop!😆
I like the discussion on possible interpretations of different dreams. I also find the structuring of the dream-analysing techniques useful, although I’ve not yet tried to analyse my own dreams. I will try to apply the skills to interpret one childhood nightmare that made me cry. Hopefully, I will have some inspirations and be able to make positive changes in my life.