… 我喜歡Dr. Tiff老師平易近人的風格,貼近學生生活的話題,標準而又易懂的英語口語表達… 不僅能夠讓大家敞開心扉的用英語表達自己的觀點,而且還能了解和學習一些學習本質的知識 …
我上過Dr. Tiff老師的英語口語的討論小組,我喜歡她平易近人的風格,貼近學生生活的話題,標準而又易懂的英語口語表達。每次討論小組不僅能夠讓大家敞開心扉的用英語表達自己的觀點,而且還能了解和學習一些學習本質的知識。看過Dr. Tiff老師修改學生的英文文章,其態度極其認真,面面俱到,追求完美,修改的內容不僅僅是針對當下的文章,而是針對寫作本身的要求,令學生受益匪淺。聽過Dr. Tiff老師的演講,言簡意賅,直擊重點。另外,我覺得Dr. Tiff老師豐富的旅遊經歷也會給學生帶來非常切實的交流內容和經驗。
… Dr. Tiff guides me step-by-step in organizing and structuring my essays. She is gifted with the ability to look into different students' needs and individualize learning methods. Dr. Tiff’s bright personality motivates me and gets me through hard times …
Dr. Tiff has taught me for a semester and I could not thank her enough! She is professional at work in her own discipline, and guides me step-by-step in organizing and structuring my essays. She is gifted with the ability to look into different students' needs and individualize learning methods. Dr. Tiff’s bright personality motivates me and gets me through hard times.
… 修讀了Dr. Tiff的英語課,讓我學習到如何有系統地整理文章內容,有條不紊地撰寫一篇學術論文,最終我的畢業論文也拿到A級的好成績 …
我在大學三年級的時候修讀了Dr. Tiff的英語課,學習到如何有系統地整理文章內容,有條不紊地撰寫一篇學術論文,最終我的畢業論文也拿到A級的好成績。感謝Dr.Tiff!
… Due to her knowledge of Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, among many other languages, Dr. Tiff helps me understand how English works and how I can better my grammar in a way I can fully relate to …
I was lucky to have met Dr. Tiff who taught me both linguistics and literature at the university. I enjoyed all of her lessons because of many reasons. Her English pronunciation is clear and pleasant. She is able to use lots of different simple and easy-to-understand daily life examples to explain complicated and abstract concepts. Due to her knowledge of Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, among many other languages, Dr. Tiff helps me understand how English works and how I can better my grammar in a way I can fully relate to. She perfectly understands student needs and difficulties. I wasn’t that motivated in learning English before but thanks to Dr. Tiff, I started to find English interesting!
… 課堂上有一種很親切輕鬆的氛圍。Dr. Tiff每一次準備話題都很有意義,和我們生活中的種種體驗都密切相關,讓我覺得有話可說,有話想說 …
我今年夏天在港大讀修課式研究生的時候參加過Dr. Tiff的discussion group,也上過她的課程。她的課我很喜歡,課堂上有一種很親切輕鬆的氛圍。Dr. Tiff每一次準備話題都很有意義,和我們生活中的種種體驗都密切相關,讓我覺得有話可說,有話想說。每一次discussion結束後,我自己都覺得很有收獲,無論是在語言的學習方面,還是在對許多人生問題的思考方面。
… Her confidence, elegance in teaching and personal experience inspire me a lot. Dr. Tiff gives us a positive role model that how to teach and communicate with students. That encourages me to be a better teacher in the future …
I am so glad to meet Dr. Tiff! Thank you very much for her patient and warm teaching. Her confidence, elegance in teaching and personal experience inspire me a lot. Also, Dr. Tiff gives us a positive role model that how to teach and communicate with students. That encourages me to be a better teacher in the future. What’s more, with her writing instruction, I am more willing as well as confident to write although sometimes I feel confused about how to organize the paragraph. But everything gets better and better.
… Dr. Tiff總能挑選出我們感興趣的話題,讓本來不善言談的我都會積極參與討論,每堂課都會從她身上學到很多地道實用的英文單詞和短語,糾正一些發音的錯誤 …
第一次見Dr. Tiff的英文討論課,時尚的外表和流利的英文讓我們整堂課都不會分心,Dr. Tiff總能挑選出我們感興趣的話題,讓本來不善言談的我都會積極參與討論,每堂課都會從她身上學到很多地道實用的英文單詞和短語,糾正一些發音的錯誤。我曾向她諮詢過簡歷寫作,她給了我很多專業的建議,每當你有問題,Dr. Tiff會非常認真而耐心的解答。她熱心開朗又平易近人,不僅是良師,更是益友。
… I felt Dr. Tiff’s passion in teaching with the time she spends preparing to ensure that her classes will be enjoyable. She is an awesome teacher and I am grateful to have been taught by her …
As a past student of hers, I felt Dr. Tiff’s passion in teaching with the time she spends preparing to ensure that her classes will be enjoyable throughout the semester. She used different engaging methods and examples to arouse and maintain interests while teaching and discussing the relevant topics. If I had any queries, she would patiently answer and clarify any uncertainties I may have after class until I fully grasped the concepts. She is an awesome teacher and I am grateful to have been taught by her.
… Dr. Tiff is so fantastic! I was thrilled that she could teach me. She is very caring, passionate and experienced. I really like the way she speaks English …
Dr. Tiff is so fantastic! I was thrilled that she could teach me. She is very caring, passionate and experienced. I really like the way she speaks English (very articulate :)). Many difficult theories were explained by her in simple and understandable languages. Also, each course she delivered was very well-organised. Although the content of some classes might seem to be quite boring, she just made them interesting. Love Dr. Tiff!
...With Dr. Tiff’s immense support and patient understanding, I have been able to come out of the shell as well as respond better towards different subjects which used to be really hard for me due to the lack of confidence ...
I take this opportunity to thank Dr. Tiff for the time and patience she has taken to groom me into more confident English learner. This class is coming to an end, but my gratitude for her as my English teacher would not end. Throughout the lessons, she has served well as my guide not just in academics, but in life in general. She has helped us to respond to others and express ourselves better.
In particular, I want to thank her for the time she spent with us discussing grammar and pronunciation. Both of the speaking practice and the mock speaking test are very helpful and effective which provided us with insightful, constructive criticism of speaking test preparation.
With Dr. Tiff’s immense support and patient understanding, I have been able to come out of the shell as well as respond better towards different subjects which used to be really hard for me due to the lack of confidence.
Once again, thank you Dr. Tiff for her effort!